A container of Insa cannabis troches sitting next to a really big girlcum stain on gray sheets

More more more but also a UTI

We just took some of the fast-acting gummy/troches. It’s Monday night, which is kind of bad, I mean, I have a lot of work to do and it involves meeting people who don’t know me. But we’re on a streak. We fucked Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday, and now tonight, five nights out of six. Now, I had planned to get to bed on time tonight, but then my beautiful wife came home from work in just the most gorgeous, hottest outfit, a simple red checkerboard dress, sleeveless, high zippered collar, just shy of knee length, fitted but not tight, and oh so sheer. Not see-through, but when I kissed her hello and grabbed her ass it felt so soft and luscious, I instantly said “let’s go out for a drink tonight” because I could not let this gorgeousness go by without showing it off to at least a slice of the world.

Of course, it’s Monday night which means that the coolest places are all closed, and mind you this is a leafy suburb of Philly so “cool” is a stretch already and there aren’t more than maybe 2 I’d even put in this category, so we ended up in a nearby part of actual Philly that is youthful without, somehow, being even remotely hip. But if you can let all that go like we can, it’s pretty awesome that we live in a leafy suburb 10 minutes from about 12 cute little walkable mini-downtowns and 20 minutes from a big city with a sincerely distinct and cool identity despite being in NYC’s shadow for 150 years.

I was already getting high by the time I wrote those last few sentences. It’s now the next morning. It wasn’t a top-level night; a child came up and was in and out of the bathroom adjacent to our room for 20 minutes, just at the wrong moment, when I was ready to move on from entry-level stuff to serious fucking. We fell asleep while we waited for everyone out there to get in bed, and when we woke up an hour later we weren’t going to be able to raise our energy level where it needed to be, so we just wrapped up with a quickie. Still, it was probably almost 2 hours of sex all together, so that’s nothing like a bad night.


Now it’s Sunday. The meeting Tuesday was great. I can’t tell you about it. I mean, I couldn’t even if this was not an anonymous blog.

We fucked Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights. They were all fantastic; we’ve had a long string of nights that feel different, some kind of new Esther Perel “place” we’re going to, and each sufficiently distinct from the last that we’re just constantly blown away by what we can do together and the mental states we reach. Sorry, don’t go thinking this is some kind of intellectual exercise. Actually it’s more anti-intellectual than anything. I get to an almost bestial state; she loses her identity and goes into a state of extreme pliability.

She does not completely submit–she’ll still say no or direct me as necessary. For example, we were fucking missionary and I had just been threatening to do things to her she doesn’t want done: “you little slut, you love being dirty for me. And you love your bad boy. I’m going to take advantage of you” (here she gasped and then smiled big, her eyes sultry, half-closed) “and make you do things you don’t want to do” (she squirmed and thrust her pubic mound upward; I grabbed her vulva with my whole hand and pressed hard against her clit) “but you know if you didn’t want to do it, if I made you do it, it’s not your fault and you don’t have to feel bad about it, do you?” That last bit I growled, close to her face, while I slid the full length of my middle finger slowly up along the ridge of her engorged clit. She threw her head back in anticipation while I pinpointed her button with the tip of my middle finger, pressing hard and mangling it in every direction. She screamed and came. I slid my hard cock up into her tight little girl pussy and slowly pressed deep; she came and said “do you want me to turn over?” and I said “yeah, baby.” Then she said “same entry point.” Sorry, this paragraph is now so long I feel compelled to bring that point back to where it came from, which is that even though me saying I would make her do horrible things was a turn on, she still was just as able as ever to tell me to stay away from her asshole.

Today’s featured image is of the Insa fast-acting troches and a big wet spot from all the delicious goo she extruded onto the sheets. That container is about 2.5 inches across, for scale. This is after we kleenexed up the thick goo and only the dampness was left.

I want to talk about the Thursday because something happened that led me to a greater understanding of the dosages. Recall that we’ve been taking a lot more. For her we’ve settled on about 60mg THC, but then we’ll supplement it later with the fast-acting gummies to keep the high going. She’s done as much as 120mg in a night, but that was over probably 6+ hours. Still, there doesn’t seem to be a limit for her. I, on the other hand, have trouble focusing when I get too high and that is somewhere around the 60mg mark. But I’m getting ahead. What happened is this:

  • I took about 21mg to start.
  • I meant to take about 21mg 30-60 minutes later, to extend my high and suppress the peak (ie, relative to doing 42mg all at once).
  • I forgot the second dose until almost 2 hours later.
  • When she was ready to start, I wasn’t very high.
  • After 15 minutes or so I decided to take a 20mg troche.
  • OF COURSE they hit at the same time, 40 minutes or so later.

Anyway, it had been amazing up to that point, but when dose 2 and the troche hit at the same time it was too much. It might be a bit hard to explain the impact; basically I can’t keep a story going in my head. I’m sitting there thinking, you know, this sweet little girl wants my hand around her delicate neck, and it starts all hot and dangerous, and then it’s like I’m looking at myself from the outside and it all seems a little off, like we’re pretending, insincere or something, and as soon as that hits you can’t really keep choking your wife with any conviction, and believe me, conviction is an essential part of sex-choking. (Note: no actual choking takes place. We don’t do that. I might grab or press, but not in any way that actually restricts her breathing. It’s hot because I could, though.)

This post is long enough but I should add that she got a UTI. I’m sure somewhere back in the history of this blog I’ve mentioned that she’s really susceptible to them, so every time I touch her anus I wash whatever touched it before we move on to anything else. And she started taking cephalexin prophylactically to combat them, which really worked–she didn’t get a single one. But then she ran out, and that doctor has retired, and her other doctor doesn’t want to refill something another doctor prescribed, so we were a bit lazy getting that done. I think I know what it was … she was on her belly, I was playing with her tiny little sweet ass, and decided to start working on her anus. I had some silicone lube handy so I poured it on, but probably too much … I bet from that point it drained down to her pussy and that’s what did it. But she went to the urgent care today and they had no hesitation about the scrips–she got the antibiotic, she got some painkiller that’s very specific to UTIs, and she go the cephalexin done.






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