I don’t know what that was

Once in a while, maybe once a night on average maybe a little less, we’ll be wrapping up something intense. Like we’ve been fucking for 15 minutes, I’ve been eating her out, working her clit with my hands, it can be anything, but it’s always after a really big orgasm, a new orgasm, or maybe more than one big/new in a row. I have to pause now and again to regroup, catch my breath, wipe up the sweat, figure out what we’re doing next, etc., and she lays her head back, closes her eyes, and just tries to absorb the moment, and she’ll say “I don’t know what that was.”

For a long time I thought it was just a way of complimenting my skills, which, by the way, I am the cunnilinguist, an artist, the king of sex, so that would make sense. It wasn’t literal, it was like you’ve just seen something amazing and surprising and you say “what was that!?” to whomever you’re with, and you don’t mean you don’t know what it was, it’s just a way to express the surprise and delight you just felt. I know think this is an element of what she means, but after not too long I started thinking it’s not the whole of what she means.

Then I thought she meant it as a description of where she was mentally and emotionally, especially if we had just gone somewhere especially deep, or dark. I would sometimes answer in that vein, and say something like “that was you giving everything to me” or “that was me not taking ‘no’ for an answer.

Then the other night it turned out that there somewhat of a a literal meaning after all, as in she actually didn’t know what I was doing. She feels what she feels, but she can’t see what I’m doing, and often has her eyes closed so she can see the fireworks and exploding space nebulae anyway. So this time, I don’t know why I understood she was asking it literally, but I said “that was me. with my mouth, tugging rhythmically on your clit with my teeth over and over again. She laid her head back down on the pillow, smiled, and sighed in pleasure.






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