A crazy note about probiotics (no seriously) and a little sex

If you’ve gotten this far, imaginary reader, you know that the variability in how long the tinctures take to start up is a major concern of mine. Typically it’s two hours, but rarely it’s one, and too often it’s like three or even four. Though to be honest that happening once would be too often. It’s probably happened like three, maybe four times, over conservatively 300 sessions (about once a week for about 6 years, but for the last two years it’s been more like twice a week).

The weird thing is, the last three weeks, my high has started up in an hour every time. The only time that’s happened in the past was when we had empty stomachs, and we’ve been eating so that’s not the case over these few weeks. The only explanation I have is that I’ve been doing probiotic gummies daily over that time span.

It started when I had an infection and the doctor at the urgent care prescribed Augmentin, i.e. Amoxicillin/Clavulanic Acid. He said “take a probiotic with it” and while I think probiotics are mostly hokum, I went along with it since the Augmentin was going to be killing everything else in there. Then, the two weeks of Augmentin didn’t actually work completely, the infection started coming back, and so I got some Ciprofloxacin I was meant to take for 10 days. Now, this may sound unrelated but maybe it’s not: normally, antibiotics wreck my digestion, but this time I had the smoothest, happiest bowels I’ve had in a long time. Beautiful big stools, at a consistent time of day, complete discharge, etc. I have never had this happen before just on antibiotics–the probiotic seemed to be doing something.

The usual knock on probiotics is twofold:

1) any probiotic taken orally doesn’t actually deliver anything to your intestines–your stomach acid kills almost all of the bugs.
2) in tests, after a few weeks of taking a probiotic, any significant effect disappears. I.e. your regular bugs fight back and take over.

I talked to a doctor I’m acquainted with personally, and he said as much … but added that these tests are done on people with “normal” digestion while they’re not on other drugs that affect digestion, like antibiotics. So he speculated that since the pills were killing everything else, the probiotic was more effective. And what kind of confirmed that for me, at least, is that my poops went back to normal (i.e. not as good) a few days after the course of cipro ended. I.e., my regular flora came back and took over again.

Why this is related to the topics on this blog is this: I just wanted to show you that clearly these things are affecting my digestion. So my speculation that the probiotic was speeding up the effect of the THC was not crazy, and indeed, that continued to be the case after stopping the antibiotics but continuing the probiotic. Amazing.

Anyway, we had the most amazing sex last night. I don’t recall any “biggests” but almost the entire night was “news,” i.e. we took each other to places we hadn’t been before. Some of them were VERY deep and dark, and they were all extremely hot and sexy. Also, she blew me twice again; the first time taking me deeper than ever before, and coming constantly. The second time working with me on a deeper, harder throatfucking than I thought would ever happen. It wasn’t just me pushing–she was pushing back. Oh, YEAH. I came like an explosion. Not as big as the one when she was sitting on my cock in the skirt, but way up there for sure.

The other new was I rimmed her a little with my tongue. I’d done this twice before. Once, a long time ago, we were sober and she thought it was weird, so I hadn’t tried it again until recently. A couple weeks ago I did it by surprise, on a night where we’d already spent some time back there, and at the end of a down and dirty clit-chewing session. She seemed to like it but I wasn’t sure she knew it was happening, really, and I didn’t talk about it with her so I didn’t write it here. Last night I asked for permission, and she seemed to be surprised but she said fine, and she came a bunch of times. Not from just the rimming, I don’t think, but after a minute or so of it I started pinching her clit with my left hand, which is best at pinching, and she went all animal and crazy on me. When she comes her asshole tightens and loosens quickly, and feeling that on my tongue was really hot and intimate. We definitely took each other to some new places, and our relationship to a new height. We’re trying again tonight–in fact I’ll probably be high in about ten minutes.



