A few catch-up items


I think we’re becoming more tolerant of THC and we need a little bit more to get us high. I’m really not sure though. It’s not like I’ve tried to be totally systematic about dosages, but

  1. Time to onset is really random, between one and three hours. What it’s dependent on is totally beyond me. But what’s interesting is it tends to hit us at about the same time. If it hits me in an hour, it hits her in an hour, or if it takes three hours still we both come onto it at the same time. So I hypothesize that it has something to do with what’s in our stomachs, not in terms of quantity but materials. We don’t, you know, fill up to the same extent, but we usually eat the same meal. Maybe onion makes it take longer, or something like that.
  2. Tinctures, from brand to brand and bottle to bottle, seem to have different strengths. I.e. 20mg of THC in Pure Penn Max Strength is stronger than 20mg of THC in Ilera Hope #1. One complicating factor here is that it also seems like the same dosage of the same bottle, from time to time, can vary in strength. I.e. sometimes I would take like 8-10mg of Ilera during the day, just to keep my stomach settled, without meaning to get high. But one time 10mg got me totally high, while most of the time I feel maybe a little lightheaded, that’s it.
  3. In the 1.5 years I’e been doing this legally, I have bought at least six different bottles of tincture. I have never once been able to buy the same bottle twice. Brands get bought out, availability is an issue, etc. The industry is clearly in flux. I have been more able to buy capsules consistently–the “Remedi” brand from Cresco/Yeltrah has been available three times in a row (probably over the course of six months or so), although this last time I could only get the “CBD” version, with 1:1 THC:CBD ratios, where previously I’d gotten the “Awake” version with THC only. CBD doesn’t do anything, as far as I can tell, so I count these as the same.

Anyway, as a result of all this, it’s hard to be very sure if there’s a growing tolerance, because there are a lot of variables. But it used to be we needed like 12mg (me) or 18mg (her) to get as high as we like, and now it’s more like 18-20mg (me) and 30mg (her). I’m paying attention to this.

Sober sex

We had truly great sober sex one afternoon during this winter break. It’s good to come back to it sometimes as a reality check (when we do all the same things sober that we do high, it’s a good reminder that the drugs aren’t really changing us, even if they make us feel different in the moment). But this was a lot more than that. For one thing, it’s a little easier to be in the moment. When I’m high I can get caught up thinking about what we’re doing, as opposed to just doing what we’re doing. The other thing is, weed really dries us out. Not just our mouths, but her pussy, too. It was awesome to get her completely sopping wet, dripping pussy juice all over the bed and all over my face.

At one point, mouth on clit and fingers stroking g-spot, I almost made her squirt, but she said “stop, it feels like I’m going to pee.” I said “that means you’re going to squirt, and if you want to let it go, I would like it.” We talked about it a bit afterward–apparently she “peed” on her ex once, and he didn’t like it. Wow, it’s hard to imagine feeling that way, but I guess back then (90s) squirting was less prominent in the culture and sex was just a lot less talked about, so maybe he didn’t know what was going on. Anyway, we’ve talked about it a little bit since then and while I intend to encourage it, if it makes her feel self-conscious it’s not going to be a positive experience. So I need to help her understand that I would genuinely like it, and that it’s something special, not something odd or embarrassing; or if that doesn’t work I’ll let it go. I sure would love for her to spray my face or belly sometime, though, especially if we’re alone and she can scream to her heart’s content. Yow.

Coming twice or more

While I’ve been a wild satyr for the first 2 or so hours, provided I hold back and don’t come, lately I’ve struggled to sustain my desire after my first orgasm. She doesn’t mind if I shut down, but when she’s not really worn out, I mostly want to keep going, but find it difficult to get hard. Taking more sildenafil doesn’t really help–I believe this is because it doesn’t affect desire, and that’s what shuts down. I’m going to talk to my dr. about testosterone–I tested in the low normal range recently, so she may think I should try it. Anyway, the second (frequent enough) and third (rare) orgasms have gotten pretty hard to come by, and I want to do something about it.






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