Category: Uncategorized

  • Another night and then a little sober sex

    I wrote that last one mostly on Saturday, but then it was taking me a while to finish the post and she wanted to go for another romp, so before wrapping it up I was getting a little dizzy so I put it aside. I finished it the next day, and it seemed like I…

  • Ladies and Gentlemen,

    my wife is the hottest woman in the world. It feels like a long time since I’ve written. I guess it’s only 2.5 weeks but there have been two weekends since then, and we’re kind of killing it lately, and killing it often. I don’t remember what happened two weeks ago but last weekend we…

  • I don’t even know what to call it

    Owing to some obligations, we had a break of like 8 days between major romps, which is long for us now. It used to be 2 week gaps were common, owing mainly to morning responsibilities like kids’ sports, etc. You can’t stay up screwing until 4am and get your child up at 6am, serve a…

  • A few catch-up items

    Dosage/timing/supply I think we’re becoming more tolerant of THC and we need a little bit more to get us high. I’m really not sure though. It’s not like I’ve tried to be totally systematic about dosages, but Time to onset is really random, between one and three hours. What it’s dependent on is totally beyond…

  • Lockdown lockdown

    Lockdown lockdown

    We’ve had some Omicron Covid-19 issues which has meant our winter break has been very indoors and somewhat pre-occupied with responsibilities like keeping everyone in good spirits while we can’t leave the house. So while I thought this season would mean sex most nights, it’s been more limited than that. But last night I let…