
We had another surprise night with no kids in the house. It was Saturday, after we’d had big nights Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Now, I have a hard time doing two nights in a row when the first night is 6 days since the last big night. Three nights in a row I’m not going to be at my best, and this is three nights in a row after another big night just 48 hours before the first in the series.

But I did alright! First, since there were no kids, we could hang out in the living space of the house. When TV got too hard to follow and the jokes were all weird, we turned it off and played some music on the big stereo. Yes, we have a traditional stereo. A Denon amp that was about $4K in the early aughts (we inherited it), record player, cd player, and some really nice, big Advent loudspeakers. It sounds great but how often do you get to use it? We used it. We listened to Portishead’s Dummy record (there are some affiliate links in this post), and a demo of Puracane that is not online, as far as I can tell.

I also put on Nine Inch Nails’ Pretty Hate Machine. It’s awesome for fucking, since it’s all about fucking, but the lyrics can drive your weed brain in complicated directions. Or not so much the lyrics, but the tone in which he sings them. Everything is a love gone bad, or a love that shouldn’t be. Finally, I tried Marcy Playground, but Sex and Candy is the only interesting song on that record.

I mention all this in part just to suggest that Portishead and Puracane are pretty great soundtracks for fucking, but mainly because the night ended weakly, which left a sour taste for both of us. She fell asleep before I came so I left to masturbate. But we got all of the way through Dummy and a lot of the way through Pretty Hate Machine before we even got to the bedroom, and the stuff that happened out in the living area was really good, and I guess lasted for an hour, maybe a little more. Then everything else up to the end, in the bedroom, was good too. I did have a little trouble staying hard, which is frustrating and impacts my mood. So then when she started to tire out–and she doesn’t just fall asleep, it’s gradual. So it’s hard to know when to stop, basically, or when to finish up, and in this case I estimated incorrectly and she was done before I finished.

I should have just gone to bed and fucked her in the morning; that would have improved our moods the next day. But you’re betting the sure release against the variable probability of the morning sex working out, and I opted for the sure thing.

Anyway, there were a few really good things about that night. For one, in the living area, on the couch, I can get her at a different angle, where her hips are right on the edge of the seat and she’s leaning back comfortably, and really chow down on her pussy and clit. She had a lot of orgasms. During that hour-plus of my hands, a vibrator, and my mouth all worked her clit like crazy, and she was coming most of the time. It was my mouth for probably half of it, which, I mean, she’ll let me go on forever but usually I can only do 10-15 minutes at once before all the muscles in my face are completely spent. So I’m pretty proud of how well I performed there. It was fun to experiment with the new angles, and maybe this way put less strain on me.

Then we were in the bedroom for a long time, too. I had an outfit for her picked out, which didn’t really work. I think on the fourth night in a week, after probably about 12 hours of sex in that week, the fantasy aspects have less impact. I notice a few things as I get more erotically spent:

1) It’s harder to tell the stories.
2) Anything involving dominance and submission is harder to get going, and doesn’t work as well.
3) Anything involving imagination, like putting her in an outfit that implies a kind of character, doesn’t work as well.

Pent-up desire fuels all of those, and when I don’t have enough of it, they don’t work as well. If I’m not fully committed, there’s not enough fire in it to warm her up, and I sense that, and I get self-conscious. I need to relax and reset, and when I have to do that too much, it wears me out.

Still, we went on for hours. I think we started around 11pm and didn’t go to bed until 4am, although the last hour we were probably in and out of sleep. Even if it was just 4 hours, that’s longer than average. So I now realize I was beating myself up a little bit too much. To go four-plus hours having had big nights in three of the previous four nights isn’t bad for a 54 year-old.

There’s a little bit more to tell, regarding the title of this post. So, my cunnilingual skills continued to be pretty tip-top even after we got to the bedroom. I was probably down there for at least an hour all together. But, in a new development, I also chewed the hell out of her asshole and it was SO good.

I’ve licked there before, and I think I wrote recently about getting my tongue in as deep as it would go. I can’t find that post and I have to get to work, so let me know in the comments if you know which one I’m talking about. But this is new. The first time I ever licked her ass was about 6 years ago–I remember because we were still in our old place, but planning to move–and it was fun for a few seconds before we kind of both realized what we were doing and got self-conscious. And then we didn’t do it again for a long time. Probably not until, I don’t know, the last year or so.

Anyway, this time I went to town. I didn’t just tongue her; I got in there and chomped on her. It may be hard to picture, but imagine that her anus is getting more and more relaxed, so I can push farther and farther in. It’s not a single little hole and then you’re inside. There’s like an inch of it before it opens up. Maybe less, I don’t know. Anyway, my bottom lip and teeth, tongue, and at least some of my chin were inside, and I kind of chomped on the upper rim of her hole with my upper teeth, grabbing on, pressing my tongue and jaw inside. Meanwhile I had pinchy going with the thumb and middle finger of my left hand, my arm wrapped around her, and she was going completely nuts. I doubt it lasted for more than two minutes, but she was thoroughly aroused, sticking her sweet little as up in the air so I could have better access, and came twice. I think. I can’t say I was really in a position to pay attention to that.

I absolutely loved it. It was so hot and beautiful and intimate and dirty, all at once. I doubt it’s going to happen very often. But yeah, looking back on that night, I was being too hard on myself.






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