My little porn star

I don’t know if this post is going to get too long. I have a couple things I wanted to jot down, however.

  1. You know how I lose a little bit of energy when we have big nights too often. And I always think, OK, let’s skip a night here so tomorrow night is even better. Last weekend went like this for me: Thursday, one big orgasm. Friday, Two big orgasms. Saturday, three big orgasms. I’m kind of proud of myself! Saturday was the first of them that we really had nothing at ll to do the next day, so we stayed up really late, like after 5am, after getting going around 12:30am. I.e. yes, we fucked for five hours. The length of time had a lot to do with my success.
  2. In the past she hasn’t really liked dildos or vibrators in her pussy. Sometimes, in a limited fashion, and for short periods. Toward the end of the night on Saturday (so really Sunday morning), we had Mr. Girthy up her pussy. At first I was doing it, then she took over. At first she didn’t have it turned on, but as she got more into it, she asked me to make it vibrate (she has no patience to learn the controls on any of our machines), and she was playing with her clit with her left hand and stuffing her pussy with her right hand. Then she asked for another vibe, and so she had the Tango X going on her clit with Mr. Girthy buzzing and driving up her pussy. SHE WENT WILD. Oh my g-d, so hot.
  3. The last few days (it’s Wednesday) she’s been taking prednisone for something. Don’t worry, it’s not that it’s nothing, but it’s under control and she’s been dealing with it forever, so she’s fine. It has made her so horny. Every time I touch her she gets a little jolt in her clit and wants to be touched. I’ve already eaten her out twice today. Once in the kitchen–I just yanked her pants down and chewed her clit while she stood there, and one in the bedroom when I caught her changing clothes. And we’ve been making out like crazy–I got her off probably 10-15 times in bed last night, just before we went to sleep.

That’s all. I seriously love (and lust for) my wife.






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